Immune System

The Immune System is one of the most amazing and complex systems in the human body. The Immune System goes far beyond simply fighting off a cold, it is connected to almost every action within the human body.

Your Body's Defense
The majority of our immune cells can be found in our gut, mainly the small and large intestine. This is one reason why it is imperative to take such good care of your gut health, your immune system depends on it.
The immune system is our body’s defense against viruses, bacterial invasions, and other infectious organisms. Among many other amazing things, a healthy immune system is also able to detect and eradicate certain types of cancer cells.

Poor Functionality
The downside is that an unhealthy or poorly functioning immune system can be responsible for disorders such as autoimmune diseases, allergies, and allergic reactions.
Autoimmune conditions are when the immune system mistakes the body’s healthy tissue and organs as threatening invaders and goes to work by attacking them.
Allergic reactions occur when the immune system overreacts to exposure of certain molecules in our environment or our food.

Quality of Life
Making the connection between the health of our gut and the health of our immune system should not be overlooked.
Reducing systemic inflammation, allergies, sick days, autoimmune conditions, and cancer cells are just a few of the ways a healthy immune system can improve the quality of your life.
Take care of your digestive health and support one of the body’s most amazing and complex creations, the immune system!